
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My computer

Well, here I am at work, writting my blog at 1:43 a.m. Now, I really wanted to write yesterday, but my computer, with the split personality, decided that I was not going to do that, and it has been frozen since. I can't get it to turn off, even when I press the button, which only proves my theory right that my computer has a mind of its own, and does what it wants!
Now, to fix it is not a big deal. I can just bring it to Circut City to have it fixed and they will just wipe it out, and anything that I really want, has already been saved to a disk (my dad and sis taught me well!!) They will clean it, then I can take it home, hook it back up, and all will be well.
But, that is not the thing that gets me...its the people at Circut City. Here is what happens, I start by telling the person that there is something wrong with my computer, and they say "are you sure?" "No, I was bored so I decided to take a ride here and waste your time and mine!!" When I then tell them what is wrong, then they ask me numerous questions as if this is my first time ever seeing a computer! These questions consitst of "Did you press control-alt-delete" "Did you shut it down Properly" and my favorite "What kind of websites do you visit?" which is a nice way of saying, "Have you visited any porn sites lately?". I mean, c'mon, lets be real!
Now, here comes the good part, they hook it up to a computer and let it try to detect any problems. They then say, just loud enough so other customers can hear, "You have 57 vires. Do you know how you could have gotten these virus'" What I want to say is "Look, sh**head, if I knew how I got them, don't you think I would have told you!!", but being the polite person I am, I will sweetly say "No". Then the bomb gets dropped, I am told that it will not be ready for 48 hours. Now, that does not mean 48 hours from drop off, in circut city time that means at least 3 days, and that is only if I am lucky. Sometimes, I will go back in the three days, and I am told that it is not ready yet, but to call (not come back) the next day to see what is going on.
So, like I said, I know that the computer will get done, and I will be happy with it, but the process leading up to it, is what will hinder me from actually going to have it done!!

**I just want to say, that I used Circut City because it is where I frequent, but feel free to fill in any other computer store when reading this if it helps you identify better!


At 12:11 PM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

Okay, press and HOLD the off button until it shuts down. At least you can try a reboot.


Loving your blog, Megan. Keep on writing.


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