Something funny
O.K., so I know that the last few of my blogs have been really serious and somewhat depressing, so I figured I would put in some humor here to lighten the mood. I really should be studying for my exam on Tuesday, but I am being bad and blogging instead!
As you know one of my jobs is working for Joann's Fabrics. My mom and aunt became friends with the store manager (because they are there more than anywhere else) so they helped me to get the job, and I am very grateful for it because it is a good supplement for when I can't always sub. I personally think the main reason was so they could get the discount, but that is neither here nor there and not what this blog is about. Now, don't get me wrong, I really like the people I work with because we have fun and try to make light of the insanity of the place in order not to go insane. Also, I have never worked in "retail" before, so when I accepted the job, I figured that it would be a pretty easy job that consisted of working a cash register, putting stuff away, and cutting fabric for the old ladies. Now, I also figured that since most old ladies are nice, this would be a pretty stress free job as well. Well, boy did I think wrong. These old ladies are CRAZY!!!! They will fight with other ladies as well as the employees for what they want. They get mad when something is on sale and they can't use their coupons, and when they do use their coupons, they have about 17, and want to use them all, even if it entails 17 different transactions. They stop you (even if it is clear you are running to the bathroom) to ask you where something is and expect you to walk them to it and then have a 15 minute conversation with them about the best kind to get, even after you tell them you know nothing about fabric. They get mad if there is a line over 3 people at the cutting counter or at check out, and they will ask if we can get some more employees to come and help (as if we are hiding them in the back and not that we don't have anyone else there!!).
So I figured I would put some of my favorite situations here to make you laugh because they sure made me laugh....
--As I was checking fabric for an 81ish, female guest at the register (ya, we have to unroll every piece of fabric to make sure nothing is in there, since it is a long walk from the cutting counter to the register) I found four rotary cutter replacements and two pairs of small scissors tucked into her fabric roll. Now for those of you that don't know, those items, all together, cost about $100 dollars. When I asked her if she wanted them, she said "No, I have no idea how those got there!" Of course they must have jumped into the fabric on their own! It just made me laugh that this old woman was trying to lift this stuff!
--On FL drivers licence's there are about 100 number, and each one has some significance to the person. Well, your date of birth is in there, how many years you have had your licence, how many times you have renewed, the office number of where you had it done, etc. Well the last number is how many felony's you had, and I had this other (very old) woman come through my line and write a check. Now, not many people write checks anymore, but when you do, you have to show your license. Well, as I was writing down her info, I realized that her year of birth was 30, and that her number of felony's was 9! Holy crap! I almost fell on the ground then. Talk about a shocker. I wish I could have asked what they were all for, but that would have caused me to loose my job, and then my mom would be mad because her discount would be gone, and how would she make get the hint!
--I had a woman come through my line with a Dooney Burke bag, fingers, wrists, and a neck full of gold, and designer clothes. She was buying some summer napkins and paper plates that we had marked down 70% because it was after the season. Now, they were only $1.99 to begin with, so with the 70% off they should have been around .60 cents each, and she had two of each, so we are talking about $2.40 total. Well, it was the first day of the sale, so they new discount wasn't in effect yet, so they were only ringing up at 60% percent off. Now, I know that a sale is a sale, but really we are only talking a matter of cents here, and she put up the biggest stink and even after I figured it out, and fixed it for her, she was still yelling that our store is terrible and she will never come back. Now, if she had a $100.00 order and that happened than I could totally understand, but in the end, it was only a matter of 16 cents!!!! SERIOUSLY!
So, this is my life, and as I said, I love the people I work with, but some of the crazies that come in my work, I could definitely do without!!