
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, we have had quite a vacation here in AR. We have had such a good time here that we don't want to ever go home. I never realize how much I miss my family until it is almost time for me to leave them :(

Well, here is a rundown of our vacation....

I got the stomach bug (that had taken over the house) the night before Christmas eve. It was pretty bad, and the recovery took a few days, but luckily, it stopped with me, so my kids and Jess never got it. But luckily, I had my hair done a day prior, so I was not too upset, because really, one can't be too unhappy if they have fabulous hair!!

Christmas morning was pretty awesome for me and the kids. They got the rest of their "Santa" stuff as well as a Wii from the Joheims! They also got some cool games to go with it which just made them even more excited! I got the wii fit from the joheims, and some pretty cool cooking utensils from Jenette (my sisters MIL), so we were all pretty excited and I am just so grateful that Southwest Airlines allows two bags per person so we can take home all of our treasures and not have to worry about extra charges!

Christmas morning also brought a good ol' family fight, and not to get into to much detail, but Mere, Jess, and I found ourselves standing around their island in their kitchen trying to figure out how to cook a turkey and a ham! Well, thank god for my dad and cell phones because we called him, and he told us, and even though the other parties of the fight came back, we were able to get dinner ready without their assistance!

The next few days brought alot of shopping, visiting, and running around. We went out the day after Christmas to get some deals...the kids each got a new wii game, I got a new purse (to go with my new hair!). We also went to the movies and saw "double features" which only made me realize how much I love having older kids. Mere, Jess and I got to see two grown up movies, while Maddie, Colin and Sydney saw two kids movies. I was most excited because the last grown-up movie I saw in the theatres was Ocean's 11!!!!

Lastly, my babies turned 10 and we had quite a celebration! We went to Panera for breakfast, swam all morning, and then went to golden corral (yuck!) for dinner where we were joined by some of Meredith and Jess' friends. Once again, I was thankful to have 10 year olds because I did not need to do anything for them, I just sat and ate my dinner and enjoyed the company! We wrapped up the night by having cake at the house (Maddie got her Chocolate on chocolate cake and Colin got an INCREDIBLE peanut butter cake from coldstone!) where the kids played and the adults talked and everyone had a great time.

Now it is New Years eve morning, and tonight me, Mere and Jess are heading out to some party where there will be an 80's band playing and we can dance the night away! Janette is watching all the kids (brave woman) so we can all go. Then we only have one more day here and then we head back home to "reality". GOOD TIMES!



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