
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Monday, January 30, 2006

sooooo long

O.k. So it has been forever since my last post, but here I am back again. I guess that I haven't felt like anything too exciting has happened to me lately, so I have been quiet...and for those that know me, know that is NOT me!! But today was such a good day (and those days are few and far between) that I just had to let my fingers get some much needed exercise.
First of all, my day started good when I switched banks, and found out that not only do I qualify for a credit card with a sizable limit but my credit score is pretty damn good. Now I know what you are thinking, big deal for a 31 year old, but this 31 year old has had the WORST credit for so long that I couldn't even get an ATM card, and now they want to give me all kinds of extras!! How funny is that!

Well, then I had parent/teacher conferences at Maddie and Colin's school. Now, I didn't have too many concerns. My only worry was Colin's behavior and Maddies talking (and I was worried about her social skills). Anyway, I expected to be in and out, but I was very wrong. First, Maddie's teacher told me that although she used to have to remind her of her talking, she has gotten Maddie 2nd grade (yes 2nd grade) worksheets and she is doing much better! Holy shit, I had no idea how smart this girl was. I also found out that Maddie is no longer following her friend, and is branching out and making new friends. As for the boy, he is doing so much better than I even know. His teacher said that he is reading chapter books (something he doesn't do at home) and he is the most polite boy in the class. I also learned that he has really made a name for himself among the older kids in the school...I am not sure if that is good or bad, but at least he is no longer that nervous wreck he was.

Needless to say, I walked out of the school beaming and so proud of my babies. The thing that really made me happy was that for all the discipline I do, and for as much as I think they don't listen to me, I guess they do and I guess I have done something right along the way because I have great kids...and I am no longer the only one that thinks it!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Its finally over!!

Thank God the Christmas/birthday/new years season is finally over. I have to say its the one time of my life that I dread because it is so crazy. Between Christmas parties, birthday parties, Christmas eve and day, and new years, I never know if I am coming or going.

Now I should probably mention that December is a sucky month for us for the following reasons. There is the obvious reason, Christmas, but then my birthday is the 19th, Maddie and Colins is the 30th, I have the cookie swap (which I try to get out of every year), the family Christmas party, and Ernie and Maureens party. Now, these are just the regulars, throw in a few spur of the moment parties or the ones that people decide to have, and you would be ready to go into a nice rubber room just like me!!

This year was no exception. From the second Saturday in December until New Years I was constantly going. I was either at parties and dinners or having parties and dinners. Now, I am not a cook (I can cook, but it is a secret!!), but I did have to do plenty of it, and then clean up after it, and that's not even counting the regular things that I have to do around my house every day. And don't even get me started on working because then I will never stop!

One thing I will say is that even though the hustle and bustle can get to a person, it is all made so good on Christmas morning when I see Maddie and Colins faces with all the presents from Santa. This year, they both got so much and were so excited by it all.

Well, as I said, I am so excited that it is over and now we can go back to our normal, crazy, rushed lives....but without the stress of Christmas!