
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Auntie Megan

I can remember when Mary was having my first niece--Stephanie. It was such an exciting time for me. I was 17 and a junior in high school. I couldn't wait to see that baby!! I spent as much free time as I had with my sister and followed every ultra sound, kick and Dr.'s appointment. The day she had her, I was there..well not right there, but I was outside the room and I heard the final scream. When Carl brought her out for me to see, I started crying intantly. I had no idea I could "love someone so much who I just met".

After she was born, I still spent as much time with her as I could. On my days off from work, I would either go over and see her, or take her out or just go over to my sisters house and watch her sleep. This continued until my life go very busy (or at least thats what I will call it for all intensive purposes), but I still tried to make time for her. After all, she was my only neice and she was my baby, too!.

I would love to say that this was a one sided love, but anyone who knew us would say that we had an equal admiration for eachother. Even thought there was a little jealously on my part ( I was the baby for 17 years), I still thought the sun set and rose according to here. She loved me as much as I loved her. In alot of ways, I felt like we grew up together (all those who knew me then will understand that statement), which only made me love her more.

When she was 7, I became a mother, and she was not happy. Not only because there would be to babies for her to compete with (she was the baby for 7 years), but becaue she was going to lose her Auntie Megan. But it didn't happen and I still made time for her.

Well, since that time there has been three more babies, (and one more in Merediths belly). Now one may think that after the first few, it becomes old hat and the excitement is gone, but it is the oppisite...I get more excited with every time kick, ultrasound and birth. I wonder what color eyes they will have, if they will have alot of hair and if so what color, who they will look like.

I have to say that this post was inspired by the fact that my sister is pregnant, and I have yet to talk to her due to my crazy schedule, and the fact that I am an irresponsible sister...but I do have to say, I can't wait to meet the new baby!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

How do I begin??

Well, its been about six months since my last post and I know what all of you are thinking (when I say all of you, I mean my 3 or 4 readers!!)...what the hell??

I could sit here and just pour out the excuses of where I have been, what I have been doing, and how crazy my life has been, but if you want to know that, then you can just read my archives and find out that info, instead I will just say the following:

--I am now working days so my pay has gone down, but my sleep has gone up
--The move is off due to a series of events that were completly out of my control
--My love life has not changed a bit..still tryin to ween out the losers
--Tryin to stop the chain of me being a dormat and FINALLY standing up for myself!

Now for all of you who know me know what all of this means, and those who don't, well don't worry...just picture yourself watching a lifetime movie on a Sunday afternoon when unfortunate things keep happening to the same woman. Well I am that woman, but unlike the woman in the movie I can laugh about it and find the positive.

Well, I am at work, and I should actually do some seeing that is what they are paying me for, but I just wanted all is well and will keep getting better!
