
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My new Job(s)

So, recently I have become a substitute teacher here in wonderful Brevard County and I love it. Even though I had to take a little pay cut, it is worth it because I see my kids more, and I can take off a day if the need presents itself. I also really love the variety of schools I get to be in so I can really figure out where I want to eventually teach. Now when I say varity, I don't just mean different Elementry schools, I mean I have been in just about every grade from Kindergarden to High school. Now, today I was with 5th grade and having two children in 3rd grade, it really inspired me to do this top 5 that I am going to give you today. Now keep in mind I have heard each of these things at least once, if not more!

Top 5 things I would kill my children if they ever said to a teacher:

5. You drive that car?? (So, it's not a BMW, but it has character!!)
4. You are the prettiest sub I have ever seen!
(said by a 10th grader who thought I had an affect on his grade!!)
3. You can't tell my what to do! (to which I responded "yes I can and I will!")
2. Why arn't we allowed to swear as long as we don't say the "f" word?
(are you f**king kidding me!!)
1. You are the WORST and MEANEST sub I have ever had!
(this was said after I gave out a detention)

Now, some people might be hurt by these things, but after talking to other teachers about what I had heard, I was assured that this shows I am doing exactly what I should be doing....not allowing the kids to walk all over me!

Ahh..what fun!!

good night,

Thursday, April 24, 2008

O.K....I am going to try this one more time!!

o.k...I know I have said this before, but this time I mean it...I am blogging again and I am going to try to do it as often as possible. I figure this is the time I should be doing it...after all, I am far, far away from my family/friends and I really need to keep them up to date with my crazy/insane life seeing I never pick up the damn phone and use it (right, Kama/Melissa/Melody/Jaime..oh the list goes on and on!!) So I thought I would do a few of my famous top 5's. These reflect my life over the past month...

Top 5 reasons I love Disney (this is for you Jaime!!)

5. The coolest toys on the planet (even though you have to give them your right foot in exchange)
4. The employees...I do suspect they are all getting some kind of drugs on the side in order to keep them happy
3. Tinkerbell Flying..nuff said
2. The parades..these beat out anything else you ever saw
1. Tower of this ride even more now cuz my kids love it more!!

Top 5 things I have been told as a Substitute Teacher:

5. "Wow, you look so young Miss Jones" ( this is when I remind them that I have nothing to do with their grade)
4. "Why do you talk so funny?"
3. "Why can't we swear?"
2. "Our teacher usually just lets us talk if we don't want to do the assignment"
1. "Why are you so mean?"

Well, that just about describes the last month of my life...substitute teaching and doing "extreme disney"!!! I love them both for all the insanity and chaos they provide in my life, and without it I don't think I could function!

Well, I will be back soon...I really promise this time,