
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What my reality series would be called.....

Now, as the queen of all things Reality TV, I have always thought that my life is just insane enough to be a reality series. So tonight, while I was carelessly draped over my couch, thinking of all the things that needed to get done, (studying, laundry, dishes, oh the list goes on and on!), and realizing that worked sucked enough today that my energy, much like my patience, is fading fast, I heard the theme song to one of my favorite reality shows out there, (white trash at its finest,) "Dog, the bounty hunter", I began to think of names for my reality show. So, tell me what you think....and feel free to add your own...

-Megan and Colin + 8 Personalities

-Jones..The gold tooth hunter

-Maddie knows best (and Colin and I don't DARE disagree!!!)

-Flavor of Mac-n-cheese

-The amazing race inside because the damn rain won't stop!!!

-E! True Palm Bay Story

-From Ghetto to Tumbleweeds

-So, you think you can cook a healthy meal in under 20 minutes??

-Screw the Kardashians, try Keeping up with my ever changing hair--no wait, that's not a new color, that's just all the greys coming in!!!

and my favorite...

-Project Run-far far-away!

Hope you liked!


Monday, September 08, 2008

A whole day of good!

Well, those days don't seem to come too often lately. Most days start out good, and some crisis happens, or they start out bad, but end on a pretty good note. For the past 11 years, I have lived by the motto "We don't have bad days, we have bad moments", but let me tell ya, those "bad moments" can lead to more to only get you so worked up that bedtime can't come fast enough!

Also, I have always been a person that sees the glass as half empty, never half full. I have read just about all the self-help books there are, tried to take advise on how to have a more positive attitude, but for some reason, that negative thought will just roll into my head and that's all know what happens next.

Well, Labor day changed all that for me this year. The day started with me having the day off from work, which alone put me in a good mood! Then Maddie, Colin and myself went to my parents house for the traditional pancake breakfast, and even though we didn't eat outside, and their wasn't 100 kids running around, it still felt good to keep this tradition going (a tradition that was started before I was even born!!) Then the kids and I went home (talk about chew and screw!), the kids sat in the nice air conditioned house, while I mowed the lawn. Now, even though it was about 1000 degrees out, I actually liked mowing the lawn because it represented how much better our lives are and that I am finally where I always pictured us to be.

After I mowed the lawn, I got cleaned up and the kids and I decided to go for a bike ride around the neighbor hood. I have to say was is so quiet and nice that we decided to go around twice just because we could. What an awesome feeling it was to be able to ride with the kids and not worry about other kids threading my kids or worrying about what we will see in our travels. It was just nice for me and the kids to do some family time with not a worry in the world.

Our night wrapped up with dinner and then a visit to our new friends/neighbors who live a few housed down. The kids played, we talked, and just enjoyed the beautiful evening. Of course the kids were not too happy when we had to go home, but they were tired (as was I), so we decided it would be showers then we would watch and episode of Dog (our favorite show), then bed, and that is exactly what we did.

I went to bed that night so happy that the kids and I are in a safe neighborhood and grateful that I was given the opportunity by my landlords to have this house. All I kept thinking was "Life is Good!!"
