
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

End of the Semester

Well, my wonderful semester is finally wrapping up, and I am thrilled. No more word problems, and no more stressing over what region has the most oil production. This semester, actually this year, has really sucked. I was so excited to come to this school because it was a "real" school and I was ready to learn. But the further I got through the semester, the more I realized I had so much to learn in such a short period of time.
Let me back track a little. When I was at Bunker Hill, a local community collage, I knew all my professors because there were only 4 who taught in the ECE (early childhood education)program. They were all very understanding to my situation, and were more then happy to help me if I needed it. I walked out of that school with my degree and a gpa of 3.0--which was better than I ever did in high school!! Also, I came to know a lot of people, because almost all of my classes had to do with ECE, so there was a group of about 20 of us who were always in the same class. It made class so much easier when you were familiar with everyone, and not just a bunch of strangers who sat around before class and stared at each other!!
Fast forward to Salem State. O.k. So the student body is A LOT younger (look at previous post), but that's ok, I can deal with it. The work is harder (I think I am the only one in both classes that has any kids or any stress for that matter), and the professors are less understanding. For example, when I told on of my professors last semester that I couldn't make it to a certain class when there was a test due to child care problems (this was two weeks prior, mind you), he gave me a day to make up the test, which was of course a day that I couldn't make it (C.C.P.'s) and he said that is the only day I could and if I didn't make it, I would get a zero on the test!!!! So after lots of juggling, and telling a lie to get out of work, I made it up. Now I know he didn't have to even do that for me, but c'mon, I am one of the only ones in that class that actually participates..everyone else is either sleeping, talking on cell phones, or talking.
I definitely didn't expect it to be like Bunker Hill, I knew that it would be harder, classes would be bigger, and professors less understanding, but I had no idea that it would be like this. The one thing that keeps me going this semester is the start of next year, I will actually be taking classes that have to do with my major!! That is my area of confidence and the place that I feel o.k.
All I can do now is just finish up my work (I just printed out my last extra credit project) and hope that September will come all will be right in my world....Well, at least not as bad as this year!!!


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

Your doing great! I'm so proud of you.
Love you, Mere


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