
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Man, do I hate this time of year!

Everybody is running around trying to get the "perfect" gift for everyone on their list, which is too long in the first place! And then the guilt of not having spent enough kicks in and before you know it, you have gone into such severe dept that you are lucky you have a house to live in!!

I also used to hate the cold that came along with the season, I am doing better this year because its nice and warm down here. But come on, there is nothing worse than having to endure the cold weather, shoveling, and trying to walk in the slush!

And, my biggest pet peeve is the inability to wish anyone any specific holiday! It is not longer P.C. to say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanaka (or however you spell it), all you can say is happy holidays in order to keep everyone happy! Seriously, people, who the hell cares who you are insulting by saying the wrong pleasentry, at least you are saying something nice and not telling them to f**k off!!!!

Well, since I hate this time of year, I figured I would make a top 5 list on what I do like about this time of year...and trust me, I was racking my brain to come up with it, but here goes!

Top 5 reasons I like the christmas season:

5. The christmas specials--LOVE THEM!!
4. My mothers disney village--too cute
3. The threats to my children about having to call santa!
2. The christmas songs--I know its corney, but I really enjoy them
1. The christmas lights--fill up my tank and I could drive all night looking at them!

Well, I hope you enjoyed and until next time!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Now...since it is thanksgiving I have decided to put up a top 5 as to why I love this holiday. This one that is sentimental and it is part of an e-mail that I got a few years ago. I don't get like this often, but this year I am away from most of my family, so although it is hard for me, as well as the family I am away from, I like to believe that there is still so much to be thankful for. So I hope you all enjoy!

What I am thankful for:

5. I am thankful that there is a mess in my childrens rooms because it reminds me that my children are having fun.

4. I am thankful for my my high electric bill because it means that I have a house to live in.

3. I am thankful for my clothes that are getting tight because it means I have money for food.

2. I am thankful for not getting a parking spot close to the door of a store because it reminds me that I have legs to walk with.

1. I am thankful for a sink full of dirty dishes because it reminds me that I have a house full of family and friends that I love!!

I hope you liked it and have a good holiday everyone!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm back I am back! It took a while, but I am finally back to my blog. Did ya all miss me?? I know you did!

Well, now that I am residing in the beautuful state of florida, I figured I would give you all a top 5 list of what I see most of here in my new casa!!

Here goes:

5. Chain Stores--every one you could possibly imagine!!
4. Golf Courses--what else to the old folks have to do!
3. Dollar Stores--every kind, name, shape and form
2. Lakes--Florida Motto: dig a hole, build a lake!
and the mose common thing I see here in Florida is...
1. GOLD TEETH--no matter what your age, sex or color is, everyone has at least one (I haven't gotten mine yet, but its just a matter of time!!j/k)

Well thats all, and I am going to do my best to keep up with this!

Have a great day,