
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What a Life!!

That is really all that can be said about the last week!

My sister, Meredith, my SIL Jess and their children came into town on Monday. Well, they wanted to do some "tourist attractions" while they were here, and the kids and I were lucky enough to go along for the ride! We were excited not only to see them, but being able to experience so much with them, just made it even better than we could have imagined.

So, here is a rundown of the week:

Monday: We arrived at their resort in the evening, took the kids for a swim, and hit the sack early because we had a big day on Tuesday....

Tuesday: We got to Discovery Cove around 8:30, checked in, and began our day. This place it UNBELIEVABLE(when you get the chance, google it to see!)!! We floated down the lazy river, did some snorkeling, swam with sting rays and other tropical fish, and Colin and Sydney got to swim with a dolphin named coral!

Wednesday: We headed out early to Sea World. Colin and Auntie Meredith headed to Krackin (an extreme roller coaster), while Auntie Jess and the girls headed to face painting. We went on some more rides, saw the shamu show (it was amazing), and then headed to Epcot. The girls went to the process dinner (Jaime, we have to go to this one in January), while Colin and I spent some quality time with Layne (even though she was a little cranky!). We ended the day with the fireworks show (my favorite of all the parks). We got home late and decided that we would sleep since the day was so crazy.

Thursday: Day 2 at sea world, and we decided to do all the things we missed the day before. We saw a dolphin show (awesome), a seal and walrus show (hysterical), went on some more rides, then headed out early and went for a swim at the resort. That evening Maddie and Sydney (Colin was asleep) got to see the fireworks from our balcony. They thought this was just amazing

Friday: We headed to Animal Kingdom. We went on (more) rides, let layne reconnect with her monkey roots (haha), and then we went to see the Lion King show. It was an amazing show, and the best part was that the kids got to be in it! I was actually surprised because usually Maddie and Colin aren't into that (they are so flipping shy!) but we had front row seats, so Maddie, Colin, and Sydney all got picked. Well, we then got great seats for the parade, but a thunder storm started to roll in, so they started the parade early and then we watched it fly basically went by so fast that we barely got to see what was in it! Well, just as it ended, the rain started to come down HARD!! We ran into "It's tough to be a bug" show. I was thinking the rain would stop by then, but it didn't and it continued to rain the whole time we were in a gift shop and through the whole walk to the front. When we finally made it to the rain forest cafe at the gates of the park, the rain had let up, but unfortunately, we were all soaked. We got some new shirts and we were as good as new. We wrapped our day, thanks to Colin, by laughing all the way from the door of the restaurant to the resort. The kid is so funny and since he has a new audience, he does even more (Maddie and I are so used to him!!)

Well, that was our week. It was busy, crazy, and so incredible!! My kids got to do things I would have never even thought of (not to mention the fact that they got spoiled beyond belief!!!). This was definatlty a trip that we will never forget (thanks Mere and Jess!!)

By the By, anyone who wants to see pics of this unreal trip, just hop over to my myspace page ( and see all the pics!



At 10:09 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Ahhhh....missing it already!


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