
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

good-bye snowbirds!

So, here I am, living in FL, which is basically snowbird capital of the world. From the months between October and May (about) this state is bombarded with more senior citizens then one can imagine. They are all over the place, almost like a troop that goes to war and takes over a village, except with a lot less violence. Now, don't get me wrong, I knew that moving down here would entitle that (hell, my parents are snowbirds), but even throughout my first year here I had no idea how many people retire here to go up north in the summers, until this summer hit!

I work at a retail store that is basiclly a snowbird heaven! We have all the crafting supplies ones heart desires, and lets be frank, once most people retire, they decide its time to get crafty. I can remember when there would be a big sale going on at my store the place would be insane. I couldn't walk to the bathroom (which is in the back of the store) without getting stopped fifteen times to help get something or direct someone in the right direction. I was frustrating, but hey that is what I signed up for (plus I think my mom and aunt wanted the discount to the store as well..haha).

Well, since it is the summer, and teaching jobs are too far away (gas prices!) I have been working alot at the store. Now, on any given night (I only work the closing shift) I am not done with my work until at least a half hour AFTER the store closes, but not now. I was there on Wed. night and I actually got to leave an hour early! Why you ask, because all the snowbirds have gone up north (or wherever) and there is so little to do! I was extatic to leave early and get home at a normal time.

I know that once the fall comes back, than we will be back to norm....slow drivers, longer lines at stores, and my store getting trashed, but for now I am enjoying it.



At 11:48 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Enjoy the solitude while you can!!! Those crafty folks will be back soon with a vengence.


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