
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The good and the bad


Well, as I sit here in my new (rented) house I am overcome with so much joy. It is so quiet outside, I have room for all of my "stuff" so it doesn't look so cluttered, I have a great big bedroom again, and the kids love it more than words can say. There is no better feeling than coming home and pulling into a driveway and not having to worry about hitting little kids that are running outside (very late at night) because their parents are too lazy to watch them, only to have to fight through a crowd of very loud people, only to go into a house that has such thin walls you can hear every peep of what is going on both inside and outside. I can't say how much I love my new place and my new landlords. I am finally able to get excited about living down here. This is what I thought it would be, and it finally is! I can finally get excited about having visitors because we have plenty of room for them and I am not embarrassed about where we live!

I am also excited to be back in school. It has always been such a great self esteem booster for me, and this time is no different. I have great professors, and my classes are nice and small. Although, I am the oldest one in every class, thats ok, because I love to be there, working towards where I want to be. I also get a kick out of sitting down at the table, doing homework with my kids (although, Maddie wants to do mine!!), finally being the happy family we are, not the unhappy ones that sometimes wonder why we made this move in the first place! is good

But of course there is THE BAD....

I am so busy, no wait active (how's that Mere) these days that thinking about anything else besides work, my school, the kids school, and unpacking that I barely have time for anything else. And, usually when my head hits the pillow, I am out in a matter of seconds, but the past few nights it's been different. I have been racking my brain on handle a situation with someone. It has been lingering for a while, and I think I finally have to just grow a set and confront this person. Now, usually, I have no problems telling people how I feel, but this is such a strange situation, that I am unclear if this person knows how much she hurt me. I truly believe that this woman is so oblivious to what happened that bringing it up at this point is pretty crazy. I tried to shrug it off and say that it didn't bother me, but as my sister Mary pointed out, if it didn't bother me, then why am I still thinking about it. So, I guess its time to just let her know how hurt I am. I hate this, but I feel that it is the only way for me to get over it.

Well, time to write an e-mail...


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am so over it!

This statement really sums up alot of things in my life right now. I am throwing up my hands and finding the good in everything instead of getting pissed at things I can't control and just take it as it comes.

For example, this damn storm!! It has been going on for over two days and its just getting everything wet! We have floods everywhere, and nobody can drive. Just today, we closed my work early ( its a wonder it was open at all!!), and I hit 7 floods on the way home...ya you heard right 7!!!!! What is usually a 10 minute drive home to my parents (school was cancelled again today!!) turned into 35 minutes, and then I had to park my car and walk to my parents house, through more floods almost up to my knees! All, I kept telling myself was that I can't control this so I just have to be grateful that its not snow!!

Another thing I can't control is not being in the new house yet! I want to be there, and trust me, the kids and I have thought about just going over and sleeping on the floors, but it has just been easier to wait until Friday when I move everything in and then I will be out of the ghetto and onto greener pastures!

The last thing I can't control is school. As I put in an earlier post, I was going to take five courses this semester, but due to me still being a non-resident ( I will be a resident on October 31) my loans would be outrageous and I would be more stressed about that then I would be about my grades, so long story short, I am only taking 3 classes this semester.

Well, that is all and I leave you with this thought to ponder.... every inch of rain is the equivalent of 10 inches of snow, and Melbourne has had 25 inches of the math!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

December 25th.....twice!!

Jaime put it best when she said it's like Christmas for me today and then tomorrow! So much happening I can hardly sit still long enough to write this, but I haven't written in so long, I know that its time.

Why all the excitement you ask, well in about an hour and a half my babies will be home with me!!! It has been a long and lonely summer with out them and my heart is aching so much. Plus the fact that the last week they were still up north there were quite a few teary phone calls to me from them (and one from my Melissa) and I would always tell myself that they were having fun..blah blah blah, but I missed them so much. I would pace around my apartment aimlessly because I didn't have anything to do when I wasn't working. But that is all going to change today...yeah!!!!!

The other reason for Christmas is that tomorrow is my inspection for my new house! Most of you know that I hate where I live. I love the inside of my place, I have new rugs, new appliances, and big rooms, but as soon as I walk out my door, I am reminded where I live...the ghetto!! Oh, I hate the noise, I hate most of the people, and I hate that I can't let my kids go outside and play without them getting hurt or used by the other kids. I have hated it for over a year now, and I am ecstatic that it is coming to an end! So, send out all the positive energy you can that I get this house so we can finally be completely happy!

Well, that's all because now its time to pace until the babies get home!
