
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am so over it!

This statement really sums up alot of things in my life right now. I am throwing up my hands and finding the good in everything instead of getting pissed at things I can't control and just take it as it comes.

For example, this damn storm!! It has been going on for over two days and its just getting everything wet! We have floods everywhere, and nobody can drive. Just today, we closed my work early ( its a wonder it was open at all!!), and I hit 7 floods on the way home...ya you heard right 7!!!!! What is usually a 10 minute drive home to my parents (school was cancelled again today!!) turned into 35 minutes, and then I had to park my car and walk to my parents house, through more floods almost up to my knees! All, I kept telling myself was that I can't control this so I just have to be grateful that its not snow!!

Another thing I can't control is not being in the new house yet! I want to be there, and trust me, the kids and I have thought about just going over and sleeping on the floors, but it has just been easier to wait until Friday when I move everything in and then I will be out of the ghetto and onto greener pastures!

The last thing I can't control is school. As I put in an earlier post, I was going to take five courses this semester, but due to me still being a non-resident ( I will be a resident on October 31) my loans would be outrageous and I would be more stressed about that then I would be about my grades, so long story short, I am only taking 3 classes this semester.

Well, that is all and I leave you with this thought to ponder.... every inch of rain is the equivalent of 10 inches of snow, and Melbourne has had 25 inches of the math!!!!!!



At 1:50 PM, Blogger Jess said...

It all sounds very yucky. I'm sorry you guys are having to deal with floods. The school loan thing is crazy...WTF??? I guess you will have to take 7 classes next semester...kidding?

BTW, can you please let us know when you want to come for Christmas? I'm trying to get my schedule together and your sister keeps forgetting to ask you.

Love to everyone!


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