
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am certifiably insane!

One of the main reasons my parents took the kids this summer up to NH was so I could bang out as much school as I could. Well, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was not able to do that. But, I know that I need to really go full force in the fall, which is what my intention was.

Well, let me explain the situation in as little words as possible. I have my AS from BHCC, but in order to get into UCF, I need my AA (which I can receive from Brevard Community Collage), so that entails me taking a few extra classes, and then starting at UCF in December. Well, I finally got all my paperwork (there was a bunch coming from Boston) and headed out to BCC to turn in my paperwork and find out when I can register. Well after waiting in a monster line, I found out I was all set to register, I just had to talk to an advisor to see what classes from BHCC will plug in. Now, I knew some classes wouldn't work, but I was only anticipating 2 or 3 classes. So after sitting and waiting for an advisor (for 2.5 hours) I found out how many classes I would need......5!!!!!

Well, I left there feeling crushed that this was not going to be easy, but after ALOT of thinking, I decided to tackle this will full force and take the classes in the fall. I knew that my school schedule could be arranged so that I could still have plenty of time to work, and time for the kids, but my time will definitely be limited. I just have to remember that this is for the good of our family and the end result will be more time for all of in the long run.

So, for whoever is wondering, I will be pretty much out of contact from the months between September through mid December...haha. I figure sleep is a luxury, so it will also be taken out of the equation! But, the one thing I do know is that I can do this, and succeed at it. I just keep telling myself that even though I won't see my kids as much as I would like, the ultimate prize is worth this very tough semester and I only hope Maddie and Colin won't require too much therapy after it!!



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