
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

"I told you so!"

Well, this post starts out on a negative feel, and basically that is what it is all about. One never knows how much four little words can bother a person, until they hear it a few too many times. Now I know in my lifetime, I have made some "silly" decisions, some may even call them huge mistakes, but I have always learned from them. That is what I feel is the bonus about it, that we learn from the decisions we make, and go on in our lives. But it is especially hard when you know, there will be that one person who will continually say "I told you so" when you are making what could be a monumentally bad decision.
Here is the basic reason for all this ranting and raving. I recently decided that since my finances are a fiasco, I needed to get a roommate. Now, for some it may be easy, but for me there are a lot of channels I need to go through to get this done. I won't go through everything, but lets just say before I even asked anyone to move in with me, I had about two weeks of phone calls, meetings and practically begging in order for this to come about. So, I finally get the green light, and I find a roommate. Everything is looking good, and it looks like I may be on my way to finantial happiness.
But, of course, in typical Megan fashion, things begin to fall through. Now I am not upset about the roommate not becoming my roommate, what I am upset about is all the "I told you so"'s I will be receiving. It just drives me crazy.
I am 30 years old, for Gods sake, and I think that although I may do things that people may not agree with, I have thought them out and weighed the negatives and positives before coming to any decision. I no longer fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to life altering decisions, becoming a mother certainly changed all that for me. But, people in my life like to think that I cannot think for myself and that I don't think things through and that I am bound to screw up my life. The ironic thing is that these are the same people that are telling me that I have to do things for myself!!
Ahhh...Well that felt good and I did not mention any names (and trust me, nobody will ever be able to figure out who I am speaking of), but I just needed to put all the thoughts in my head into my giant cauldron and just let them go!


At 6:19 PM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

Sounds like you need to give your dear ol' sister a call.


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