
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

No More!

Well, here I am, blogging at 10:30 at night...way past my bedtime. Why you ask, well I will tell you...I am waiting for the laundry to dry. Now I realize this may raise a more important question, why the need to stay up just waiting for clothes to dry, well I will tell you. I am going away this weekend so I have to pack for me and the kids. I hate it!

I remember the days (as I am sure all with kids do) when I could just grab a few things on my way out Friday and be good for the weekend. Even if I forgot something, like underwear or toothpaste, I could just grab it when I get to my destination because I had the extra money. Or I could just borrow from someone who I was with. Because lets be honest, back then (before children) it was all about spontaneity. Well those days are just a memory now and its all about planning and making lists and double and triple checking, and checking one more time before I even leave the house. AAAAAHHHH is all I can say!

Back to why I am waiting for my clothes to dry. See, I am fortunate, Maddie and Colin have a dress code, so I can pack most of their stuff for the weekend without worring if there is enough for the rest of the week, as well as my own, but it is still royal pain in the ass. I have to make sure there is at least two changes of clothes for each day, and because of our wonderful, unpredictable New England weather, I also have to pack warm and cold clothes. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that my days of diapers and formula are over, but never the less, it is still so time consuming.

Now, let me just tell you how excited I am to be going away this weekend, mostly because my sister is coming in from AR and I get to see her in all her pregnant glory, but if I could just magiclly zap all my clothes to my and the kids destinations, I would be more focused on being excited...but I don't live in fantacy land and that is not going to happen. But as I listen to the buzzer of the dryer going off telling me to get off my ass and get the clothes, I will focus my energy on what I am packing for-a chance for me to relax, have fun, and bond with my sisters...without the constant interuptions of our wonderful children!!

Good night--meg


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