
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

All By Myself

Well, this is going to be an exciting week. My always happy daughter will be spending the week with her Auntie Melissa at the "sockie" and my always calm son will be spending the week with Grama, and I will be spending the week in the lovely city of Woburn!!!

Now, I have known about this week for a while, so I have been making plans on what I am going to do. You know, go to dinner with all friends who I haven't seen since Christmas, go to the meetings I can never seem to get a babysitter for, maybe spend some time lying out in the sun to prevent my tan from fading, and (if I have time) maybe clean the house from top to bottom! Anybody with kids (whether they have 2 or 22) knows that these things will take twice the time with a little one in tow!

Now, I am a very ambious person when I want to be, and I always have the best intentions at heart. But if there is one thing I have learned about myself over the past 31 (ugh!) years, I am a planner, but not always a follow througher!! I will always know what I want to do, but my problem is that I set my sights too high, or want to accomplish too much, so when I have only completed 25% of the tasks at hand, and I know that no human on earth could ever finish the rest by the deadline, I just give up and get pissed at myself!!

This is what I am going to try to avoid this week. I am only going to try to do one of these things a day. Not to try to do all of these things in one day!! But most importantly, if the only thing I can accoplish in the course of the day is to go to work, than thats all I will worry about.


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