
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Well, anyone who knows me knows how much I hate surprises. I don't know if it is the gossip queen in me, or if its the girl in me that has to know everything about everyone, but regardless, surprises are up there on the the things I hate.

I feel I should preface this by saying there has been very few Christmas and birthday gifts I don't know about. Even if I am not told exactly what it is, I am usually given enough of a hint to figure it out or come pretty close to what it is.

Well, this weekend was one surprise after another to such an extreme that I no longer know what to think or expect!! Let me start from the beginning....

Thursday afternoon I was on the phone with a friend of mine and he told me that he was getting a c.d. for my birthday. Well, after much prodding and nagging I got enough hints out of him, that I had it narrowed down to three different artists, so I thought. When I told him what I thought he told me that I was wrong at first, but then told me I was right, but he wouldn't tell me which one it was. Well, that sent me into such a rage that I actually debated even talking to him again (I am so damn mature!!).

Saturday night....I go to my Melissa and Moms Christmas party (what a good time!!) Now, after the party we hung out and we all talked about what our plans were for the next day. I mentioned that I was going to a friends house and I was not looking forward to it because I wanted to relax all day, so one of my friends that was here said that he would call me at a certain time to help get me out of there. Now, I also told him I was planning to go to my friends house in my pajamas (and no bra!) because what did I care!

So, off I go on Sunday to my friends house (I ended up being in actual clothes) with her xmas present, the kids, and wet laundry (my dryer is broken) under my arm. When my friend opened the door she very subtly said "Happy Birthday" and there was a sign hanging behind her. I smiled and said thank you and then as I walked in I saw some of my friends hiding and then they said "surprise!". AHHHHH!!! I was so mad and happy at the same time! I didn't know if I wanted to kill her or hug her. The best part was that as the time progressed some of my other friends came and we had a great time.

I suppose the moral of this story is that for as much as I may say I hate surprises I guess I actually like them....Just don't tell anyone!!


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

How fun! Glad someone gotcha! Hugs.


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