
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Is number one really a good thing?

Here is a question to think about...if you are the first to win a race, or the first to get picked for kick ball, then that is good, but if you are the first to make the Megan's Shit List then you are not so lucky...Drumroll please....

INTERNS!!!!! Ok, Jess, please don't take offense to this, but if you were anything like the intern I had to deal with tonight, then you would be here too! Usually, I like interns because they are just as clueless as me. I love to watch them go through all the charts, look stuff up on their palm pilots (or whatever they have), write stuff on their 8000 pieces of paper, talk EVERYTHING over with all the other interns, all the while guzzling down about 27 cups of coffee. And through all this, they will still have a pretty good demeanor, even though they probably haven't slept in two weeks!

But every now and then you get a doozie...and I got the queen tonight. If I didn't like the people I was working with, I would have just walked out at 5:30 when she started pissing me off. At first it was little things, like interrupting my phone conversations (with a doctor) to ask me how to page people, and then there was jumping in my seat at the desk as soon as I got up and getting pissed when I told her I had to sit there (apparently, checking her email at that time was much more important than the 3 admits I had in my hand!!).

Honestly, I could have handled it if that was all she did, but the thing that pissed me off was that every time the phone rang, she would say (loudly from across the nurses station), "I am ****" (I won't reveal her name) "Is it for me". Now, not only did that get annoying and obnoxious but it also created problems because I was not always able to hear the person on the phone. But the performance that got won her this award was when I was on the phone with admitting, getting info on a patient, and the other line started to ring, and instead of picking up the phone, this B**CH had the audacity to bark at me "Could you please pick that up, I just paged a doctor." Now what I wanted to do was to yell at her (add your own curse words)"ARE YOU FOR REAL!!" But what I did do was, in my most polite voice, asked the person I was talking to on the phone to excuse me, and then I turned to her and said "To answer the phone just pick it up and say usen 6" then I went back to my conversation.

She was even more bitchy to me the rest of the night. But, I just ignored her, and if she needed me, then I would ignore her until she came all the way over to my desk. My motto is and always will be "Payback is a Bitch, and I am the Queen of it!!" HAHAHA

Hope you enjoyed

p.s.Maybe she would have been nicer to me if she knew she was the first to make my SHIT LIST!


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