
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Dollar Tuesdays

I am always in search for a bargain. I hit the clearance racks before any other rack in the store, I clip coupons, and I love generic or knock-off items. This is why I love "One dollar for one scoop Tuesdays", from 6:00 to 9:00, at our local Baskin Robbins. The kids can get an ice cream and for $2.00 and I win the best mother in the world award.

Now this is a Baskin Robbins that is in a Dunkin Donuts right in the square, and I usually love the people who work there, and they love my kids. If I go there in the morning, they always give the kids munchkins or a mini scoop of ice cream, and when we go in for ice cream, they give such a big scoop, the kids can't even fit the top on the cup. All of this is always done with a big smile, too.

Well today, the kids and I went in for our weekly trip. The same girl who always works was there waiting on us, but she seemed, how should I say, not so happy, but I figured that would pass. Well, first Colin asked to taste one, something he always does before he decides to get chocolate, and she seemed really annoyed by this. I understand that this could get old and maybe she was just tired of this kid always wanting to try the same thing, but come on, he is 7 years old!! Well, while Colin was deciding, Maddie asked for her usual, Vanilla, and I told her not to put a cover on, to just put a spoon in it. So she handed Maddie hers, and just as she stared to scoop Colins, Maddie dropped her spoon. So when she was done with Colins I asked for a new spoon. Well, I guess at that moment I began speaking native tongue, because she looked at me like I had seven heads. So I explained that Maddie dropped her spoon, and figuring this would be enough to earn a spoon, the look just continued. She then walked over the register, and I noticed she was charging me full price, so I asked her if the Tuesday special had ended (even though the sign was still hanging up) and she said "no, but it's not 6:00 yet". O.K., now it was time for me to get pissed off. First of all, I have been bringing my kids from mid summer until now at about 5:30ish and she never said anything, and second it was 5:57 (I checked my cell phone)!! When I said this to her, she got even more pissed and said "Fine, but next time it has to be after 6:00".

So I just smiled at her and thanked her numbers times, and we went on our way, becaue that was the adult thing to do. But this was definitely one of those time I wished I wasn't, an adult that is, and I could make a big stink over such a little thing. I mean seriously, this money is not coming out of her paycheck. Besides that, I understand some people have bad days, but nobody asked you to work there, you asked for the damn job. If you don't like it, quit and go someplace else!!.

Well, now that I have gotten that out, I hope you had a good day, and remember, don't piss me off, or tomorrow I could be writing about you!!!



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