
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Same Thing

Well, today will be my shitlist. I know some of you have been missing it, so here is a real doozie for all who read....

Here is what happened...I walked into work today (I start my second job at 2pm) and my two of my co-workers, one float and the other is the assistant in my room, were sitting there talking (per usual) as the kids were waking from their naps. I went to grab the daily sheets, as I do every day (even though I am not there all day) and began to fill them out. As I begin, the assistant says to me "Isabelle's mother left you a gift today". So, I picked up the gift and inside was a very nice note and a $25 gift card to bath and body. Needless to say, I was very shocked because I have only been there a few months, and I am only there for a few hours in the afternoon, and I didn't expect such a nice gift.

Well, the look on my face must have said it all, because lazy and lazier were all over me to ask me what I got. That is when it happened, in unison they both responded "We got the same thing!". Not only were they very clearly pissed, but as I started to fill in the daily sheets I had just started, they started speaking in Spanish to eachother. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Now, at first I was pissed, but then I had to really think about the situation. Even though I have only been there 2 months, I know that I have made an impact on the kids as well as parents I see. I always try to say a few words to the parents about their child's day instead of just letting their child run out the door to them. And when it comes to the kids, if they are playing at the table, I will play a game with them, or if they are getting a little crazy, I will sit down and read a book or sing a song or whatever in order to calm them down. I don't just yell at them and get irritated with them (like some people). I know that they think that it is easier for me because I don't get there until 2 (as I have been told), but I spend the whole morning with 10 toddlers as well as all afternoon with 9. So, contrary to popular belief, I do, in fact, put in a whole day.

So, in case you didn't pick up on it, these two co-workers are on today's shit list. Actually, they have been running a close second for a while now, but today they just really pissed me off, so they are number one!!

Have a good night and I hope you all enjoyed..


Saturday, December 09, 2006


Well, Mary tagged me.. so here goes

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? egg nog

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? there any other way??

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? I like white...but I have colored for the kids

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Depends on who I am expecting (wink, wink!)

5. When do you put up your decorations? the week before christmas...and my decorations only consist of a tree!

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Christmas Cookies

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? When I got my baby that crawled when I was in the third grade

8. When and how did you learn that Santa isn't real? My sister Meredith told me and I was in the 4th grade (I tried to stretch it as long as I could!!)

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I open all of them at my sisters house

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree. I don't decorate, Maddie and Colin do, and that means all the ornaments are on three branches on the bottom!

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? HATE IT!!!

12. Can you ice skate? no, but I rock on roller skates!

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? there is a baby that crawled, my digital camera from my sisters, my palm pilot from my parents, my tiffany's bracelet from 2 friends, and (most of all) body wash from my babies!!

14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Watching my babies open the one gift they asked santa for!

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Peanut butter cookies

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Having my parents, mary, joe and stephanie over for christmas breakfast!

17. What tops your tree? I am supposed to put something up there??

18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving gifts? giving..and receiving!

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Santa Clause is coming to town

20. Candy Canes on the tree? No...because colin eats them all!!

I am tagging anyone who reads this...just leave it in my comment box

The birth of the "Joeism"

My brother-in-law Joe is the inspiration for this blog today, and will be for many to follow. He can take a random phrase or even a word that he hears from one of his nieces, nephews, children, even his wife and apply it at just the right time that you want to kill him, but after you have pissed your pants laughing at him.

Now there are many of his sayings that I thoroughly enjoy. Some I hear in a story my sister will tell me, or sometimes I will hear it from him (usually when my sister is yelling at him for some silly reason). Whenever I do hear it, I ususally laugh long and hard about it.

I have decided that the one I am going to introduce you all to is the phrase that he uses fairly often, and my children now use it..."Lee me lone"--translation Leave me alone. Now this originated from Joe's sons sister, Kiera, and she actually used to say "Lee kiera lone". My sister told me a story of Joe and this phrase over the summer and everytime I think of it I laugh!!.

Joe was in the shower, wet and soapy--wait, that info is for another blog (haha), and Mary had to get something in the bathroom. She very causally opened the door and was in the middle of telling him she was just grabbing something and she hears from the shower "lee me lone!!". Now, when she told me she was annoyed that he said that to her, but I just found it so funny that as I am typing the story I am crying from laughing!!

That is just one example, and there will definitely be more to come..I hope you all find it as humorous and enjoyable as me!

Good night,

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Opening Doors

I know...I have not been here for my list lately, but with the Christmas season upon us and my damn sister introducing me to digi-scrapping (ya, I have reached a new level of dorkness!!) I have not had time for anything!

But, not too worry, In the past week and a half since I have been gone I have witnessed the same behavior among many people that they have all earned themselves a spot on my list. I know that everyone has encountered these kind of people too, so all will enjoy this entry!

How many times are you walking into a Dunkin Donuts/starbucks/etc. (time of day is insignificant) and somebody else is walking out. Now, most likely they will have a few things in their hand, so you do the polite thing and hold the door for them, right. Now I would have to guess that only about 25% of the time the person says "Thank You". Rude:yes, but not the person on my list today. The person on my list today is the one who see you walking out of Dunkin Donuts/
starbucks/etc. with your treats and they will not only not hold the door, but will rush to get in before you!

Lets put this into perspective, shall we: they are on their way to get a Cup of coffee (or whatever). For them to wait an extra 3 seconds will not make them wait anymore in line. It will not make them late for work, or wherever they are going, and it will certainly not kill them to practice a random act of kindness. It will only help out someone else who possibly has their hands full.

So, this is my latest member on my shit list. I have also decided that since there are some days where I don't get pissed off at anyone (hard to believe, I know), those days I will simply put a "Joeism". Definition and example to follow!

Have a good Sunday,