
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Opening Doors

I know...I have not been here for my list lately, but with the Christmas season upon us and my damn sister introducing me to digi-scrapping (ya, I have reached a new level of dorkness!!) I have not had time for anything!

But, not too worry, In the past week and a half since I have been gone I have witnessed the same behavior among many people that they have all earned themselves a spot on my list. I know that everyone has encountered these kind of people too, so all will enjoy this entry!

How many times are you walking into a Dunkin Donuts/starbucks/etc. (time of day is insignificant) and somebody else is walking out. Now, most likely they will have a few things in their hand, so you do the polite thing and hold the door for them, right. Now I would have to guess that only about 25% of the time the person says "Thank You". Rude:yes, but not the person on my list today. The person on my list today is the one who see you walking out of Dunkin Donuts/
starbucks/etc. with your treats and they will not only not hold the door, but will rush to get in before you!

Lets put this into perspective, shall we: they are on their way to get a Cup of coffee (or whatever). For them to wait an extra 3 seconds will not make them wait anymore in line. It will not make them late for work, or wherever they are going, and it will certainly not kill them to practice a random act of kindness. It will only help out someone else who possibly has their hands full.

So, this is my latest member on my shit list. I have also decided that since there are some days where I don't get pissed off at anyone (hard to believe, I know), those days I will simply put a "Joeism". Definition and example to follow!

Have a good Sunday,


At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for "Joeism"


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