
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Today was such a low key day, that I was unsure if I would even have anything to write about, but low and behold, on a routine visit to Family Dollar (a.k.a. W.T. Central) I got my person.

So, vision this...I am standing in line with a box of dishwasher detergent, and a package of crayons. I am the third person in line; the first woman is almost done, and the one in front of me only has a few towels. So I am thinking, this should go pretty fast. Well as fast as one cashier can go, because there was only one (shocker!!!). Even though I saw three other employees working, one was super busy stocking shelves and the other two were so engaged in a conversation about their friend that a freakin Mack truck could have come through the front windows and they wouldn't have even noticed!

But, I digress....back to my story...I am waiting in line giving the usual answer of "no" to Maddie and Colin about how they can't get anything else and that only reason Maddie gets new crayons is because hers are all broken and I just got Colin a new pack last week, and so on. When all of a sudden out of the air comes this little woman with a carriage full of all kinds of goodies. She had lamps, curtains, pictures, candles, paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. I guess she was redecorating on a budget. But what I didn't realize was that she was with the woman who was in front of me. You remember, the one that only had a few towels. I guess those were the towels to go with the other supplies and she was just holding the place while her interior decorator went shopping, and lucky me, I unknowingly got right behind them.

Now we have all been in the grocery store, in the express line with exactly 12 items, and somebody gets behind us with an apple, and we let them go. That is the nice, shit, its the human thing to do. Well, appapranly this woman was not human because she must have seen me pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw what had just happened to me and she said "Sorry".

WTF!!! This broad only says sorry. Like that is going to make it all o.k. and I won't be royally pissed off because she is an a** hole! I guess that a simple word makes it o.k. for her to be inconsiderate. If only it would have been o.k. for my fist to go into her face and then say "sorry" and that would have made it o.k.

Needless to say, I didn't get out of there for about another fifteen minutes (you know that a few things needed price checks) and by that time I was sweating like a pig and my kids were practically throwing tantrums because I didn't have any quarters for them to get anything out of the machines. It was such a good time; I should do it every night.

Well that's all...Hope you all enjoyed.



At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it and I am excited to be a part of it! Meow!


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