
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Purple Medicine"

Monday thru Thursday of every week, I am an assistant at a toddler playgroup in a very wealthy town. Now, I thought Wakefield was a snotty town (and I lived there almost my whole life). But Wakefield is a working town meaning if there are two parents in the house, then usually both are working and that is where the money comes from. Well, it is not the case in the town I work in, I have learned. I would say that at least 75% of the families have a working father and a mother that contributes to the family thanks to her Trust Fund.

Now, I am not knocking Trust Funds...Shit, I wish I had one. And trust me when I say, that most are very humble about the money they have. Sure, they have fancy cars and nice clothes, but (most) are down to earth. The best thing, though about working with these mothers that don't work is that if they're child is sick, they will keep them home and either they will have to miss their daily trip or the nanny (yes most of them have nannies) will have the child at home and won't be able to do the grocery shopping.

Well, as I said most, not all, are like this. Every now and then you have the parent that has kids to keep up with their husbands business associates, not because they have a maternal bone in their body. Well, we have a real doozie in our group this year. She (I have learned), not her husband, comes from "old money", so the fact that she has an Ivy League education means nothing...think "Mona Lisa Smile".

Well, on Tuesday she kept her child home because she had a temp (shocker) but she said her little girl was feeling so good this morning. Now this poor little girl comes in with eyes so watery that they were practically shut, a nose that wouldn't quit, and the only toy she wanted was her stuffed animal. Call me crazy, but if I drop off my child at a place with tons of toys and other kids, and they go over to the couch and lay down, I would say that is a sign that they are still sick. But not this mom, she just laughed and thought her daughter was funny. What I found amusing was that this mom was dressed in her gym clothes, and as she was walking out, she and her friend were talking about they were going to go shopping after the gym!! She should have won mother of the year!

Needless to say, this Mom's exciting morning off was cut very short because during snack, as I was asking the kids what they had for breakfast, the little girl told me that her mother had given her "The Purple Medicine" with her breakfast. I will be honest, I have done that with my kids when they were in day care if they got sick during finals week, but not on the days that I needed to go shopping with my friends. But, if I got the call I got there as soon as I could. I didn't respond like this bonehead and ask if it was o.k. if I got there in an hour or so because I was right in the middle of a workout! For the first time in my life, I am rendered speechless and it was a good thing I wasn't on the phone because I wouldn't have even known what to say.

Well, that's today's winner..Hope you enjoyed!



At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brings back memories of Bright Star all over again. People need to stop breeding!


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