
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Monday, November 20, 2006

A Real Job

So, I think now that my computer is finally working, maybe I can get through a whole blog without a pop-up. Lets just all pause for a moment and pray for that to happen.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, on to the list. I was at a party for a friends two children yesterday and one of the party goers gets the award this time. I will not name any names, because I don't want to offend anyone, but I know who the person is and that is what's important!!

You all know that I am a teacher. I teach two separate groups of toddlers at two different locations. Some may not consider this being a real teacher because we don't give out report cards, but I will state for the record that my job is more that just coloring and changing diapers everyday. I plan curriculums, interact with parents, and do my best to teach age appropiate games that will result in the child learning. Hmm, sounds like the same thing that a 9th grade teacher may do (minus the game).

So here is what happened. A person at the party was speaking with someone else about being a nanny. The nanny said that she didn't like it because of the kids, but the money always sucked her back in. Well, at that the non-nanny said "I just convinced (name is protected) to quit her job at the day care and get a real job at a bank. I mean, you can only roll around on the floor with kids for so long before you want to get a real job".

O.K. it was all I could do to keep from jumping on my soap box and calling this bitch out, but out of respect for the other people there, and due to the fact that I wasn't even a part of conversation, I just kept my mouth shut. But, it made me realize that there are so many close minded people in this world. It amazes me that after all this time and all the info on day care, people still believe that 1. daycare teachers only "roll around on the floor all day with the kids" and 2. that just because we are doing this, we have no education or even a brain for that matter.

Well, needless to say, I remained as pleasant as I could for the rest of the party, but I left there as soon as I could, out of fear of saying something that I may regret.

Well, off to work at my non-real job



At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if I get a "non-real" job will I be able to have "ME" time? because this full time real job shit does not fit in my scedule!

At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I had a similar experience this week, well sort of. I too will keep the guilty party nameless. During what was to be a conversation with a friend about their lack of parenting skills, he started the conversation off with "Well you're just a daycare provider, you're not with them 24-7 so you don't know what it's like." GUESS WHAT ASSHOLE....NEITHER DO YOU!!!! You're in work 9-10 hours a day and then most of the time you and your wife pawn your children off on someone else because it's too stressful for you to take the children with you if you have to run an errand. BOO FUCKING HOO!! In the famous words of Denis Leary, "Life sucks, get a helmet." I spend more time caring for those three boys (I'm a nanny for 3 boys in case anyone besides Megan is reading this) then they do with their two girls. My boys would NEVER speak to me or act the way their oldest daughter does, I wonder where she's learned that behavior??? I've been with the twins since they were two months old (now 3 & 1/2) and Nate was 18 months when I started (now almost 5), but I had known him prior from Bright Star. So for all intent and purposes I have had just as much of a hand in raising those boys if not at times more than their parents. So don't tell me I don't know what it's like! Yeah I may miss out on the whole dinner and getting them to bed at night thing. I think I get my share during lunch and naptime asshole! It's the same thing only the sun is still visible. That's right, all three of them sit down together like little gentlemen and all three of them nap without incident. If you've read this far, thank you. I guess I needed to vent just a little bit. :) God I hate people!


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