
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Child Care

Who would have thought that those two words could take on a thousand different emotions? That those two little words could have a mom is such a state of nervousness that she sits at work, feeling the previous meal coming up, and just trying to write in her blog!! That would describe the way I feel right now, sitting at work, at 2:00 a.m.
Let me start from the beginning....This seems to be the start of many blogs for me. Since I work nights, I have to find "Child Care" that will come to me. This is convenient yes, but I have learned can be hard. This is when a mom really has to try to use her best judge of character in order to find a sitter, or she has to have really good friends who are willing and able to help her out. Unfortunately, I have to pick the first because my friends either can't (for reasons I can't get into because I have finally let them go) or they live too far away.
I was forced to hire someone that I found very nice upon the first meeting. She was 32 years old, lots of experience and lots of references. I was so grateful that I was able to find someone like this. What I didn't realize was that some people make a terrible first impression but end up being unbelievable, and other make a great first impression, but end up being monsters!! I am now employing a monster.
Like I said, she was great at first, the kids loved her, I loved her, she was very flexible, and really seemed to like what she was doing. The a few months passed, and things started going wrong. I would ask her not to do something, and she would still do it, and when I asked her again not to do it, she would get mad at me for even asking her to stop, as if she never had any plans of stopping in the first place. Also, and I feel most importantly, another thing that bothers me is the way she talks to my children. Now I am a pretty easy going parent, but I draw the line at someone telling my child that if they ever wake her up in the middle of the night again, then she would "F**king Smack" her. But, this is a topic that I won't even start with, because then I won't stop.
I guess there is a happy ending to this story, this monster will no longer be torturing my children, and I will finally be able to go to work, and not worry about how my children are, I will finally know that they are o.k.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

And yet again... phone call? You can't keep me posted by simply writing in your blog. LOL!


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