
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Where did she come from??

My wonderful daughter...I have no idea which gene pool she is from, because as the days go by, I realize she is less and less like me!! Which in some cases is good because she didn't inherit my flaws and shortcomings, but on the other hand, she can drive me crazy at the same time!
There are times I watch her and I see so much of myself in her, like the way she can hold a grudge for up to three years, like the way she will still remind me about the time I wouldn't let her get a toy she wanted because she and her brother were misbehaving in a store, and how it was "all Colin's fault". Or the way she will do ANYTHING for her friends, like the way she will go onto the playground at school after I have told her not to because her "best friend" has told her to go. But mostly, I see myself in her when she is so afraid to try something new because she is afraid she won't be good at it. These are the times that I know she has definitely inherited my "all or nothin" attitude.
But even though she has these similarities with me, she most certainly has so many qualities that aren't me. Her girly attitude is not mine. Nothing is or ever has been more comfortable to me then sweats and a t-shirt, but yet she will do anything to wear a skirt or dress every day just so she can look like a "supermodel" (which is what she wants to be when she grows up). Or the way she is so DAMN smart that she just gets things. I have to look at something and practically have it drilled into my head in order for me to get it, only to forget in ten minutes! But lastly, her self confidence about the things she knows is so overwhelmingly high, that it makes me wish she never looses it. For example, yesterday we were walking into the grocery store and I realized I forgot to put in one of her ponytails that had fallen out. So I said to her "Oh hunny, I forgot to put in your ponytail" and her reply to me was so natural when she said "It's o.k. mama, I am still beautiful!!" It was after that remark that inspired this blog.
As a mother, there are a lot of things that I hope for my daughter. I hope she will always be happy, that a boy never breaks her heart, and that she will always feel comfortable enough to come to me about anything, but mostly I just hope that she will never change, because I can't imagine loving her more than I do!


At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

megan this is so perfect!!!! tell maddie that jaime say's she is the most beautiful girl in the world!! this blog say's what alot of mother's with girl's think. you are fabulous!!!

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

You taught her how to be confident. Be proud momma!


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