
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

strange fears

I have never been one to consider myself an adventurous person. I look both ways before crossing the street, I wear my seatbelt, and I never go to bed with the dryer running. In fact some people may even laugh at some of my fears. For example, when I was having my babies, my fear was not that the kids would be ok or that the spinal wouldn't take, but that there would be a fire in the hospital and I would be numb from the neck down and not be able to get out. Or the fear that I am going to somehow plumet to my death in an elevator that the chains, or whatever holds them up, will break and that will be the end of me.
Well, last Sunday I got the pleasure of getting a ride on Freds new boat. Now if there is one thing I Can say about my brother-in-law is that when he does something he does it BIG!! This boat is amazing! It has a little space that one can sit in to get out of the sun, it has a bathroom, and it has a t.v with a d.v.d. player attached (maddie and colin were very impressed by that!). Well, I was o.k. with getting on the boat and I was very excited about it, until we were out of the neck and on "the big lake"
Now, I am used to little ol' Kingston Lake, and Lake Winnipisokee (or however it is spelled)is about 5 times bigger. But never the less, I was ok because I trusted Fred.
Well, then the boat was going faster and faster and there were all kinds of other watercraft all around us (who were not practicing water safety laws I might add!!) and that is when it hit me...I am in the middle of huge friggen lake, and if something happens what am I going to do!!!!!!!! How am I going to get my kids to safety, how am I going to keep my cool, am I really a good enough swimmer or have the years taken a toll on me?!?!
Needless to say, this made the first 30-40 minutes of my ride pretty nerve racking and not so enjoyable. It also didn't help the situation that while Paige was taking a nap right on the back bench (because she was do relaxed), Colin was asking me if the boat was going to catch on fire (gee, I wonder where he gets that!) But, after the boat slowed down I decided to venture to the front of the boat and sit in the passanger seat (a.k.a. Micheal's seat on Micheal's boat!!) and then I realized why the boat was so amazing. The whole time I was sitting there I never realized how fast we were going, or even noticed the other traffic on the lake. All I could see were the houses, the wonderful scenery, and how good it felt to have the wind in my hair. Sounds cheezy, I know, but its the only way to decribe it.
We spent almost five hours on the boat, and it never felt that long at all. I will admit, I didn't jump in the water when we stopped in the middle of the lake, although Maddie did and I practilly had to bribe her with money to get her out, but I did finally realize what all the fuss was about, and I can't wait to go again!!


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Rainbow Momma said...

Okay, I'm sick of reading about your strang fears. Write something, will you!!

LOL j/k

Love you, miss you,


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