
Well, thanks to my very computer savy sister Meredith, I decided to create my own blog, for a few resons. 1)I never answer my phone, 2)This is free and 3)I am a busy lady!! So if you want to know whats going is how. ENJOY!

Friday, November 24, 2006


Ya, Ya..I know it's been a few days, but its the holiday season, so I will apologize now just in case I missed a day.
Now, on to my list....

I really had to think about this one today because (suprisingly enough) not too many people have piss me off lately. I'm not sure if it is due to the fact that my head has been way up my own ass, or that people are really getting into the holiday spririt or what, but its been a while.

I mean sure, there has been the occational person that I have run into that makes me wish it was the old west and we could just shoot people for fun. There have also been friends of mine who I really can't stand, but as I said, not too many who have pissed me off enough to spend my time writing about them.

So, I am truly sorry to disappoint you all, but there will be no new member on the list today...But in the words of little orphan Annie "There's always tomorrow"!!

Good Night,

Monday, November 20, 2006

A Real Job

So, I think now that my computer is finally working, maybe I can get through a whole blog without a pop-up. Lets just all pause for a moment and pray for that to happen.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, on to the list. I was at a party for a friends two children yesterday and one of the party goers gets the award this time. I will not name any names, because I don't want to offend anyone, but I know who the person is and that is what's important!!

You all know that I am a teacher. I teach two separate groups of toddlers at two different locations. Some may not consider this being a real teacher because we don't give out report cards, but I will state for the record that my job is more that just coloring and changing diapers everyday. I plan curriculums, interact with parents, and do my best to teach age appropiate games that will result in the child learning. Hmm, sounds like the same thing that a 9th grade teacher may do (minus the game).

So here is what happened. A person at the party was speaking with someone else about being a nanny. The nanny said that she didn't like it because of the kids, but the money always sucked her back in. Well, at that the non-nanny said "I just convinced (name is protected) to quit her job at the day care and get a real job at a bank. I mean, you can only roll around on the floor with kids for so long before you want to get a real job".

O.K. it was all I could do to keep from jumping on my soap box and calling this bitch out, but out of respect for the other people there, and due to the fact that I wasn't even a part of conversation, I just kept my mouth shut. But, it made me realize that there are so many close minded people in this world. It amazes me that after all this time and all the info on day care, people still believe that 1. daycare teachers only "roll around on the floor all day with the kids" and 2. that just because we are doing this, we have no education or even a brain for that matter.

Well, needless to say, I remained as pleasant as I could for the rest of the party, but I left there as soon as I could, out of fear of saying something that I may regret.

Well, off to work at my non-real job


Thursday, November 16, 2006

This Sucks

I know this is the morning and there was supposed to be a post here last night, but my computer sucks and it wouldn't post and in my frustration I gave up and went to bed. Now I am here way to early in the morning trying to blog, working on only a half a cup of coffee, and I am getting these stupid pop-ups every 2 seconds and I am not even sure if this is going to work. Hopefully it will.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So, I tried to look up the meaning of "Lurker" to put on today's blog, but my computer wasn't working right, so I will give my definitation as it relates to my blog. "Persons who will read a blog everyday but will not comment EVER!!!"

Now, I am not trying to be pushy (like my sister, but I do feel the need to turn on the Bitch Switch for a minute. For a long time I was living under the pretense that there were only about 3 of you reading this. But I have found out that there are more than that (I think there is now about 10 of you), and I only find that out when some of you bitch at me for not writing often enough.

Well, I tried to make those of you happy by writing every day and try to bring some laughter to you day by sharing my misery and what do I get in return...TWO COMMENTS!

So, to all you lurkers here is what I have to say...LEAVE A DAMN COMMENT. I am not asking for one every day, but maybe once a week...Hell, I would settle for once a month. Just let me know that my unhappiness makes you happy!

Thats all


Friday, November 10, 2006

Little Bastard's mom

I actually wanted to post this one yesterday, but decided against it. And today was a quiet day, so I figured that there was a great canidate for today, because I am still hating her.

So, here is what happened. A few days ago, Colin tells me how his friend is having a birthday party in a few weeks. Now this is a friend that isn't in his class, but I hear Colin talk about him when he tells me about who he plays with at school. Well, after informing me about the party, I found out that Colin wasn't invited. So I said "Well, maybe only the boys in his class were invited". Colin them informed me that a few boys from his class were invited; the other boys I hear about Colin playing with.

My heart broke for my son at that very moment. My mother always had a rule that we either invited all the girls, the whole class, or no party. And to be honest, I always hated that rule because I didn't like all the girls in my class and it killed me to have to invite those girls, but I wanted a party so I went along with it. This is the rule I have with my kids, and I thought all parents had. Now, fast forward to the 6th grade, and Lisa Watson had a party and didn't invite me, and we were friends! I am 31 years old and I remember that feeling, so I know how he feels. All I could say was that thank god we have another party to go to that day (thanks Julie) so he was cool with it. In fact, he would rather go the party we are going to then the other one. So, I just let it go and that was that.

But, here is the real kicker of the situation, and what earned this mom a place on my list. Maddie started talking about this boys party last year, and then it all came back to me. Take this situation and the same child, but replace Maddie with Colin. I remember Maddie telling me about this really fun party that she didn't get invited to. Now, if it was only boys, it would have been easier to explain to her, except girls were invited too, namely Maddie's two best friends.

Now, I have my own thoughts on why my babies weren't invited, but I will keep them to myself for now. But here is my "Final thought" on the subject; I want you all (all 4 of you!!), if you have kids, or when you have kids and the birthday party situation comes up, just remember the time you didn't get invited to a party, and the fact you still remember it was, and just think about that other child that doesn't get invited, and I will guarantee that you will not let your child do that to someone else.

Well, that is all for tonight and I may not be back this weekend, so if that happens, have a good weekend and see you all Monday!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Purple Medicine"

Monday thru Thursday of every week, I am an assistant at a toddler playgroup in a very wealthy town. Now, I thought Wakefield was a snotty town (and I lived there almost my whole life). But Wakefield is a working town meaning if there are two parents in the house, then usually both are working and that is where the money comes from. Well, it is not the case in the town I work in, I have learned. I would say that at least 75% of the families have a working father and a mother that contributes to the family thanks to her Trust Fund.

Now, I am not knocking Trust Funds...Shit, I wish I had one. And trust me when I say, that most are very humble about the money they have. Sure, they have fancy cars and nice clothes, but (most) are down to earth. The best thing, though about working with these mothers that don't work is that if they're child is sick, they will keep them home and either they will have to miss their daily trip or the nanny (yes most of them have nannies) will have the child at home and won't be able to do the grocery shopping.

Well, as I said most, not all, are like this. Every now and then you have the parent that has kids to keep up with their husbands business associates, not because they have a maternal bone in their body. Well, we have a real doozie in our group this year. She (I have learned), not her husband, comes from "old money", so the fact that she has an Ivy League education means nothing...think "Mona Lisa Smile".

Well, on Tuesday she kept her child home because she had a temp (shocker) but she said her little girl was feeling so good this morning. Now this poor little girl comes in with eyes so watery that they were practically shut, a nose that wouldn't quit, and the only toy she wanted was her stuffed animal. Call me crazy, but if I drop off my child at a place with tons of toys and other kids, and they go over to the couch and lay down, I would say that is a sign that they are still sick. But not this mom, she just laughed and thought her daughter was funny. What I found amusing was that this mom was dressed in her gym clothes, and as she was walking out, she and her friend were talking about they were going to go shopping after the gym!! She should have won mother of the year!

Needless to say, this Mom's exciting morning off was cut very short because during snack, as I was asking the kids what they had for breakfast, the little girl told me that her mother had given her "The Purple Medicine" with her breakfast. I will be honest, I have done that with my kids when they were in day care if they got sick during finals week, but not on the days that I needed to go shopping with my friends. But, if I got the call I got there as soon as I could. I didn't respond like this bonehead and ask if it was o.k. if I got there in an hour or so because I was right in the middle of a workout! For the first time in my life, I am rendered speechless and it was a good thing I wasn't on the phone because I wouldn't have even known what to say.

Well, that's today's winner..Hope you enjoyed!


Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Today was such a low key day, that I was unsure if I would even have anything to write about, but low and behold, on a routine visit to Family Dollar (a.k.a. W.T. Central) I got my person.

So, vision this...I am standing in line with a box of dishwasher detergent, and a package of crayons. I am the third person in line; the first woman is almost done, and the one in front of me only has a few towels. So I am thinking, this should go pretty fast. Well as fast as one cashier can go, because there was only one (shocker!!!). Even though I saw three other employees working, one was super busy stocking shelves and the other two were so engaged in a conversation about their friend that a freakin Mack truck could have come through the front windows and they wouldn't have even noticed!

But, I digress....back to my story...I am waiting in line giving the usual answer of "no" to Maddie and Colin about how they can't get anything else and that only reason Maddie gets new crayons is because hers are all broken and I just got Colin a new pack last week, and so on. When all of a sudden out of the air comes this little woman with a carriage full of all kinds of goodies. She had lamps, curtains, pictures, candles, paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. I guess she was redecorating on a budget. But what I didn't realize was that she was with the woman who was in front of me. You remember, the one that only had a few towels. I guess those were the towels to go with the other supplies and she was just holding the place while her interior decorator went shopping, and lucky me, I unknowingly got right behind them.

Now we have all been in the grocery store, in the express line with exactly 12 items, and somebody gets behind us with an apple, and we let them go. That is the nice, shit, its the human thing to do. Well, appapranly this woman was not human because she must have seen me pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw what had just happened to me and she said "Sorry".

WTF!!! This broad only says sorry. Like that is going to make it all o.k. and I won't be royally pissed off because she is an a** hole! I guess that a simple word makes it o.k. for her to be inconsiderate. If only it would have been o.k. for my fist to go into her face and then say "sorry" and that would have made it o.k.

Needless to say, I didn't get out of there for about another fifteen minutes (you know that a few things needed price checks) and by that time I was sweating like a pig and my kids were practically throwing tantrums because I didn't have any quarters for them to get anything out of the machines. It was such a good time; I should do it every night.

Well that's all...Hope you all enjoyed.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Dollar Tuesdays

I am always in search for a bargain. I hit the clearance racks before any other rack in the store, I clip coupons, and I love generic or knock-off items. This is why I love "One dollar for one scoop Tuesdays", from 6:00 to 9:00, at our local Baskin Robbins. The kids can get an ice cream and for $2.00 and I win the best mother in the world award.

Now this is a Baskin Robbins that is in a Dunkin Donuts right in the square, and I usually love the people who work there, and they love my kids. If I go there in the morning, they always give the kids munchkins or a mini scoop of ice cream, and when we go in for ice cream, they give such a big scoop, the kids can't even fit the top on the cup. All of this is always done with a big smile, too.

Well today, the kids and I went in for our weekly trip. The same girl who always works was there waiting on us, but she seemed, how should I say, not so happy, but I figured that would pass. Well, first Colin asked to taste one, something he always does before he decides to get chocolate, and she seemed really annoyed by this. I understand that this could get old and maybe she was just tired of this kid always wanting to try the same thing, but come on, he is 7 years old!! Well, while Colin was deciding, Maddie asked for her usual, Vanilla, and I told her not to put a cover on, to just put a spoon in it. So she handed Maddie hers, and just as she stared to scoop Colins, Maddie dropped her spoon. So when she was done with Colins I asked for a new spoon. Well, I guess at that moment I began speaking native tongue, because she looked at me like I had seven heads. So I explained that Maddie dropped her spoon, and figuring this would be enough to earn a spoon, the look just continued. She then walked over the register, and I noticed she was charging me full price, so I asked her if the Tuesday special had ended (even though the sign was still hanging up) and she said "no, but it's not 6:00 yet". O.K., now it was time for me to get pissed off. First of all, I have been bringing my kids from mid summer until now at about 5:30ish and she never said anything, and second it was 5:57 (I checked my cell phone)!! When I said this to her, she got even more pissed and said "Fine, but next time it has to be after 6:00".

So I just smiled at her and thanked her numbers times, and we went on our way, becaue that was the adult thing to do. But this was definitely one of those time I wished I wasn't, an adult that is, and I could make a big stink over such a little thing. I mean seriously, this money is not coming out of her paycheck. Besides that, I understand some people have bad days, but nobody asked you to work there, you asked for the damn job. If you don't like it, quit and go someplace else!!.

Well, now that I have gotten that out, I hope you had a good day, and remember, don't piss me off, or tomorrow I could be writing about you!!!


Monday, November 06, 2006

Is number one really a good thing?

Here is a question to think about...if you are the first to win a race, or the first to get picked for kick ball, then that is good, but if you are the first to make the Megan's Shit List then you are not so lucky...Drumroll please....

INTERNS!!!!! Ok, Jess, please don't take offense to this, but if you were anything like the intern I had to deal with tonight, then you would be here too! Usually, I like interns because they are just as clueless as me. I love to watch them go through all the charts, look stuff up on their palm pilots (or whatever they have), write stuff on their 8000 pieces of paper, talk EVERYTHING over with all the other interns, all the while guzzling down about 27 cups of coffee. And through all this, they will still have a pretty good demeanor, even though they probably haven't slept in two weeks!

But every now and then you get a doozie...and I got the queen tonight. If I didn't like the people I was working with, I would have just walked out at 5:30 when she started pissing me off. At first it was little things, like interrupting my phone conversations (with a doctor) to ask me how to page people, and then there was jumping in my seat at the desk as soon as I got up and getting pissed when I told her I had to sit there (apparently, checking her email at that time was much more important than the 3 admits I had in my hand!!).

Honestly, I could have handled it if that was all she did, but the thing that pissed me off was that every time the phone rang, she would say (loudly from across the nurses station), "I am ****" (I won't reveal her name) "Is it for me". Now, not only did that get annoying and obnoxious but it also created problems because I was not always able to hear the person on the phone. But the performance that got won her this award was when I was on the phone with admitting, getting info on a patient, and the other line started to ring, and instead of picking up the phone, this B**CH had the audacity to bark at me "Could you please pick that up, I just paged a doctor." Now what I wanted to do was to yell at her (add your own curse words)"ARE YOU FOR REAL!!" But what I did do was, in my most polite voice, asked the person I was talking to on the phone to excuse me, and then I turned to her and said "To answer the phone just pick it up and say usen 6" then I went back to my conversation.

She was even more bitchy to me the rest of the night. But, I just ignored her, and if she needed me, then I would ignore her until she came all the way over to my desk. My motto is and always will be "Payback is a Bitch, and I am the Queen of it!!" HAHAHA

Hope you enjoyed

p.s.Maybe she would have been nicer to me if she knew she was the first to make my SHIT LIST!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


O.K so here is the deal...I started this whole blogging thing to keep my sister who is very far away up to date with my very boring life. But here is what I have found out..I have more than three readers!! SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!!! I had no idea. How did I found out, you ask, well here is how. I have a link on my AIM to this, and once again, I figured I am only a few peoples buddy lists, but those few people have been leaving me messages to update my blog. Some have been nice (you know who you are) and others have been a little pesty (you know who you are).

So after a bit of pondering I figured I had a decision to make and here were my choices: 1. End the damn blog and let all you who have been bugging me to try to call me on the phone...we know how good I am at answering that 2. Or write everyday so you can all know just insane my life is. Needless to say, I decided on the latter.

Now, since I am making a commitment to write everyday, I have decided that there will be a slight twist to it. Since my humor is what gets me through most days, I will have an ongoing theme to my blogs...MEGAN'S SHIT LIST!! Yes you have read that line correctly, whether it is the smelly person behind me in the line at Dunkin Donuts, one of my bosses or a member of my schitzophrenic family, I will vomit all of it on all of you and you can tell me what you think!

Happy Reading and stay tuned to see who will be number one tomorrow!